

  • There is street parking surrounding the area or public parking about 2 1/2 blocks away.

    Please remember that according to OHA guidelines, you are not to drive yourself from any psilocybin session.

    Directions from public parking

  • We do!

    For those in financial need, we have a scholarship fund that can contribute to reduced rates.

    Application will be live soon, but for now simply contact us with interest.

    Know that accessing reduced rates could require a longer wait time to receive services.

    Additionally, our primary supplier will contribute the psilocybin product at a greatly reduced rate for veterans. If you are a veteran please let your facilitator or PNWIC know.

  • Absolutely. Reach out to us for more information.

  • Nope! Whether the whole psilocybin thing just isn’t for you or you’ve already had your fill, we currently have yoga and breathwork classes that are designed, but not exclusively for, your healing post psychedelics.

    The intention of PNWIC centers around community. We aim to mirror the connective feeling that clients often report experiencing during a macro-dose session - one of deep connection to every bit of existence. As much as possible we want to bring that into the every day reality of human existence. A tall order - yes - but why not dream big?


  • A simple answer is, psilocybin is a naturally occurring chemical found in certain strains of mushrooms, which when ingested influences the serotonin system.

  • Psilocybin services are neither a treatment for any condition, nor are they considered medical or psychological services.

    Psilocybin has been shown to have therapeutic potential. At this time we can make no claims that any conditions you may be struggling with will be cured, or indeed altered at all.

    However, we can point you to a number of studies with promising findings in the area of psilocybin research that may help you decide if a psilocybin experience may benefit you.

    Please consult your doctor prior to any type of psilocybin experience.

    Click here for research

  • Absoutely! We know it can be nerve-wracking or financially difficult to venture into a “classic” journey, so we offer micro-dosing groups, for those who aren’t quite ready for a big dose. You’re also welcome at our yoga or breathwork classes, where no psilocybin is consumed at all.

    If you have any concerns about whether macro or micro-dosing is best for you, reach out!


    If you are interested in private group sessions, corporate sessions or any other services not listed, contact us directly and we'll work together to see if we can provide what you're looking for.


  • We love this question because we believe strongly that


    Our approach to yoga is about fostering greater presence and awareness while moving the body. This practice fosters greater mind/body connection and insight potential.

    The content in our integrative yoga is accessible to everyone and modifications will be supported for differently-abled people. The sequences are introductory, but instruction will emphasize embodiment and awareness. For us, the difficulty of the poses isn’t what matters, it’s the presence with which you do the practice.