
Private Sessions


*For private sessions we operate with an optional sliding scale.

Includes services of your facilitator through preparation, administration and integration, as well as the space to conduct administration. Psilocybin dose not included and priced dependent on session length which will be determined during preparation.

Yearly Household Income

Below $75,000

Below $120,000

Below $200,000

$200,000 or above

Private Session Cost





If you choose to opt out of sliding scale, flat rate cost of sessions is $3000.

Please note that high sliding scale costs go toward allowing us to subsidize cost for less resourced clients. Thank you.

Microdose +

Because of the nature of the service, class payment and payment for the microdose itself are separate charges.

!You must bring cash to pay for the dose!

Class payment can be made with cash or card.

Cost of Class

Cost of Microdose

Per class total


$10 CASH


non Psilocybin

$30 per class

*Class packs and memberships are in the works!

Special events and courses vary in price. Check schedule to see specifics by course/class.