microdosing psilocybin - what, how and why?

What is microdosing?

Microdosing psilocybin typically refers to consuming a dose small enough so that you cannot perceive any of the effects, sometimes called a “sub-perceptual” dose. To be clear, this is less than just a mild dose. With microdosing, the dose is so small that you can proceed with your typical daily obligations like work, driving, and even caring for loved ones. The dose is so small that you really can’t “feel it”, nor are you inebriated or intoxicated in any way. People typically consume their microdose in accordance with a protocol or schedule - as an example, people might take the microdose every third day for two months. 

How do you microdose?

We encourage you to consider three things when microdosing: dose size, frequency/ duration, and intention. 

Dose size: Start small and increase your dosage with time. Actual recommended doses vary, but are typically 1/10 to 1/20 of a typical psilocybin dose. If you are measuring dried mushrooms, this means a microdose may be around .1 grams. If you are measuring psilocybin content, this means a microdose may be around 2.5 milligrams of psilocybin. It is suggested you start on the low end, increase with each subsequent dosing day until you feel subtle effects and then back off that dosage at least 10%. For example, you may start with .1 grams of dried mushroom, the next dosing day increase to .2 grams and notice effects, and then on subsequent dosing days settle on .18 grams. 

Frequency/ duration: Two popular protocols are the Fadiman protocol and the Stamet’s stack. We believe these are wonderful starting points, beyond which you can fine tune your own approach to microdosing. 

The Fadiman protocol suggests a three day cycle - dose on day 1, and no dose on day 2 and 3. Then start over. There ya go, that’s the Fadiman protocol. 

The Stamet’s stack suggests a seven day cycle with additional supplements - dose on days 1-4, and no dose on days 5-7. In addition to the psilocybin, Stamets suggests taking approx 5 grams of lion's mane mushrooms and 100 milligrams of niacin. 

Consider doing either protocol for no more than 2 months at a time. Also, it is highly encouraged you start your protocol on a day when you do not have much planned.

Intention: It's important to know why you are microdosing. There are many reasons someone might partake in a microdosing protocol, some of which we’ll cover below. And we’ll emphasize that there are not right or wrong intentions, but it is important you know yours. Intentions help us define what we want to carry into action - microdosing also requires effort on your end. Intensions help you clarify what you want to put your effort into as you are microdosing. 

Why would someone participate in microdosing?

While microdosing needs more study, research to date has found that people engaging in microdosing report improvements in: 

  • Creativity

  • Focus

  • Affect and general mood 

  • Energy levels

  • General cognition

  • Relationships

  • Wisdom and open mindedness

  • Fewer negative attitudes and emotions

Beyond all these wonderful benefits, microdosing is also a way to introduce yourself to psilocybin if a bigger journey doesn’t feel right. 

Please note that it is not legal to microdose psilocybin anywhere but at a licensed service center. PNW Integrative Center offers microdosing groups that we pair with a yoga practice on a regular schedule. You can register and attend at a frequency that meets your preferred scheduling protocol.

Research supporting the benefits of microdosing

  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=_V0oDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT12&ots=SJNh8wsC1E&sig=6DO1YctzcOz70JlhA3K4X4puXTM#v=onepage&q&f=false).

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6267140/

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7434115/

  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30604183/


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